Recipes from the garden, Subscriber News

Two must-make, must-eat delicious tomato recipes

Two excellent recipes for the tomato-lovers who are in the middle of their summertime harvest. gravy

Both submissions were accepted by Grit Magazine to appear on their website.

The recipe for Summertime Sauce can be found here


the recipe for Italian Gravy (what we call Spaghetti Sauce with meat) can be found here.

Back to the garden, it’s pickin’ time.

Y’all try these recipes and let me know what you think.

Renea Winchester is the award-winning author of several e-book collections and three traditionally-published non-fiction books including her latest:Farming, Friends and Fried Bologna Sandwiches from Mercer University Press. Find more recipes such as this one in her book. She is passionate about heritage seeds and saving daffodils. When she isn’t digging in the dirt she is hoarding canning jars and reading good books. She also posts on her blog, Bloggin’ Billy’s. Find her also at Renea Winchester.

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