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Outbound Train launches in France.

Guest post: Author, Angie Kinsey

When Renea Winchester’s novel, Outbound Train, debuted, she never imagined an international release. Then an email arrived: “I’m Marie. I’ll be working with you on the translation for Outbound Train.”

“I was so humbled I couldn’t stop crying,” Winchester said. “2020 was tough. Outbound Train had a great first week in the US because it launched ahead of the shutdown. With everyone worrying about a life-threatening pandemic, writers struggled. Having Outbound Train release in France this year is more than I could have ever dreamed. I only wish I could be there when it happens.”

The path to an international release came by way of a meeting in the low country of South Carolina when the publisher attended a conference intent on securing southern authors. There she learned about debut novelist Renea Winchester. After asking Firefly Southern Fiction to review the manuscript, Outbound Train was selected for publication.

“We are committed to bringing strong Southern Voices to French Readers,” Publisher Marie Bx writes.

“For me, this good news couldn’t have come at a better time. Honestly, I have been so depressed. Sales of Outbound Train have been abysmal. The pandemic hit me hard. I am hopeful the US sales of Outbound Train will pick-up. As you know, it’s hard to find an agent with low book sales.”

Winchester now had good news and something to focus her attention on . . . the translation process.

“Appalachians have their own language. I worried some of Granny Pearlene’s sayings and the Parker women’s strength would be lost in translation. I needn’t worried. Marie had no questions during the translation process. She adored Granny Pearlene and even asked for a copy of my mother’s recipe for apple stack cake to share with French readers.”

Like most publishers, having an appealing cover is essential. “I focused on the car Carole Anne needed to leave Bryson City,” Marie writes. “I wanted the artist to get that right.”

Editions Le Nouveaux Pont hired a local artist who painstakingly created a book cover that included the trailer where the Parker women lived, the car Carole Anne needed, and the train tracks that would lead the Parker women to a better future.  

“I am in love with the cover. It captures the reader’s attention. There is no greater honor than knowing a young artist created the cover with her own hands. This process deeply humbles me. Seeing the cover thrilled my heart,” Winchester said. I love it

Winchester recorded a short video expressing her appreciation, which is features on the publishers Facebook Page.

The title, “Outbound Train”, was the only translation snag. Editions Le Nouveaux Pont proposed a new title: De l’atre cote des railsOn the Other Side of the Tracks, releases April, 15, 2021.”I adore the title: It perfectly describes the Parker women’s life which was on the “other” side of the tracks.”

Outbound Train is available wherever books are sold.

7 thoughts on “Outbound Train launches in France.”

  1. Great, great, great. Love to you. Kay

    On Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 8:31 AM Renea Winchester wrote:

    > Renea posted: ” Guest post: Author, Angie Kinsey When Renea Winchester’s > novel, Outbound Train, debuted, she never imagined an international > release. Then an email arrived: “I’m Marie. I’ll be working with you on the > translation for Outbound Train.” “I was so humb” >

  2. You deserve all the success in the world for all your hard work and determination! It was a story that needed to be told and you found the perfect ladies to help you tell it in the Parkers! Congratulations again!!

  3. I am soooo happy for you❤️❤️❤️❤️This news made my day. Carolyn TingleKenilworth Lake (family in Kenilworth for 100 years)

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  4. Congratulations…merci, took 2 years of French in high school but remember very little of it 50+ years later.


    Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your journey. I hope it moves in a positive direction with a lot of love and laughter.



  6. I am SO excited for you! I enjoyed reading your book and remember most of it even though I read it when it first come out! Names are more difficult for me at age 72, I’m happy to remember anything! I think French readers will love reading an example of life in Appalachia and the southern U.S.

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