About Renea

The Winchesters originated from Rabun County, Georgia and traveled to Bryson City, North Carolina where they laid down roots. I’m a small-town girl living in big-city Atlanta. One day I was lucky enough to encounter Billy Albertson, a former sharecropper and “old-timey” farmer. Together we work his “little patch of ground,” grow “tow-maders, enjoy his goats and gather eggs from his chickens. In my free time, I teach creative writing to the elderly in assisted living facilities and adult activity centers and lead marketing workshops for emerging authors.  More about me on www.reneawinchester.com. Follow me on Twitter at ReneaWinchester

5 thoughts on “About Renea”

  1. Hello Renea, I just put a post on the Facebook page for Billy then I found this blog of yours. I look forward to reading this and learning more about gardening from you and Billy. As I posted on Facebook, I listened to your interview last night on Growing Your Grub. Thank you for taking the time to write the book, I’ll go to your website to order. I want to plant a small garden this year for the first time and this blog will certainly help me out. We’ve also made our mind up to get a woodstove this year. Our electric bill is getting so expensive, we must find some alternatives. Also we need a backup for heating if the electricity goes out. I’ve got a lot to learn, I’m concerned about the economy and rising food prices so I’m looking for ways to save money and be able to live if things get worse. Thank you for sharing your life with others.

  2. I just started reading your blog. I look forard to hearing you speak at the ARNC luncheon on May 18th.

    I look forward to following your blog in the future.



  3. Hi Renea: I really enjoyed your workshop at KSU on Saturday. It was great to see an Author so informative and fun. Thank you for providing information that is really essential in writing a book that will have correct information so we can feel really good about it.
    I am reading your book now, Stress-Free Marketing. So often Authors cannot get simple but concrete information on what to do next after writing our book. It seems no one wants to mentor us or share their information as to how they got started. Thank you for putting it all together for us.
    Much Success! Carrie

    1. Don’t know how to get ahold of you. The Church of the Cover in Townsend may be able to help someone or a few to secure a room or apartment. ease get in touch with them.

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